

W tym roku szkolnym nasze zakładki znowu powędrowały w świat, tym razem dotarły aż do Kanady (aczkolwiek w międzyczasie zmieniło się miejsce docelowe, w związku ze zmianą pracy koordynatorki projektu w Kanadzie i nasze zakładki nie otrzymali Indianie z Fox Lake, ale wasi rówieśnicy z rezerwatu położonego w północno-zachodnim Ontario, zwanym - Mishkeegogamang). Zresztą więcej o tym miejscu, szkole, uczniach i uczenniach w liście poniżej:

Dear Ms.  Molenda-Bieniecka,

First of all, thanks to you, your students and the teachers of your school for taking part in the international bookmark exchange program!
It was very exciting for us to receive the bookmarks you had sent us. It is our very first time in this project and we have learned many interesting things about the books you read at your school and the different types of events you have had from the book and the letters you sent us. 
Our school is very different from yours. First of, we are located on a First Nation reserve called Mishkeegogamang in north-western Ontario.  The name is in Ojibway, our mother tounge.  Some of us speak Ojibway at home and English is the second language we learn.  But for others, it is the opposite - we speak English at home and are learning Ojibway at school. There are about 1500 people in our community and our school has around 200 students with classes from kindergarten to grade 8. Our high school students use a long-distance education or have to leave our community and study in Thunder Bay or Dryden.  
Our traditional values are based on the 7 grandmother's teachings.  We are learning about them and also implementing them in our everyday lives, this is the main reason for not being able to finish the bookmarks for you before the winter holidays- we had an elder pass away in the community and our school was closed early to show respect to the family.  
However, we did have a chance to have our Christmas celebration with the community feast and presentations as well as a visit from Santa. The pictures attached are from this event.  
We are going to finish all the bookmarks in the new year and send them to you. We appreciate your patience.  
We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2018! 
Warm regards, 
Agnieszka Marszalek, students and the teachers of Missabay School 
PS. One of the picture shows our posters for the 7 teaching, each represented by a different animal whose name is written in syllabics- one of the ways you can write in Ojibway". 
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